Merge Operations

Merging operations involve combining two objects or arrays, and you can control the behavior of the result by using different techniques.

Merging Objects

When merging two objects, a new object is created, containing the keys of both original objects. If both objects share a key with a primitive value, the value from the first object is used.

Consider the following test module for object examples:

    "$module": "test",
    "$template": {
        "test": {
            "a": 1,
            "b": 2

Basic Object Merging

    "$extend": "test",
    "$template": {
        "test": {
            "b": 3,
            "c": 4


    "test": {
        "a": 1,
        "b": 3,
        "c": 4

Replacing Values

Add a $ prefix to the key to replace the value of the key instead of merging it.

    "$extend": "test",
    "$template": {
        "$test": {
            "b": 3,
            "c": 4


    "test": {
        "b": 3,
        "c": 4

Removing Keys

Set a key’s value to null to remove it from an object.

    "$extend": "test",
    "$template": {
        "test": {
            "b": null


    "test": {
        "a": 1

Merging Arrays

When merging two arrays, a new array is created, containing elements from both original arrays.

Consider the following test module for array examples:

    "$module": "test",
    "$template": {
        "test": [1, 2]

Basic Array Merging

    "$extend": "test",
    "$template": {
        "test": [3, 4]


    "test": [1, 2, 3, 4]

Replacing Values

Add a $ prefix to the key to replace the value of the key instead of merging it.

    "$extend": "test",
    "$template": {
        "$test": [3, 4]


    "test": [3, 4]

Prepending Values

Add a ^ prefix to the key to prepend the value of the key instead of appending it.

    "$extend": "test",
    "$template": {
        "^test": [3, 4]


    "test": [3, 4, 1, 2]